American expat's experience in Brno, Czech Republic. A journey with an unknown end, but plenty to observe along the way!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Brno Real Estate

OK, anyone living in Czech Republic, foreign or local, realizes something very quickly when entering the real estate market here - the appreciation is steady and fast. Which means, as a home buyer, every month counts in terms of finding a good buy on the home you want. Add to that the fact that 2008 Czech Tax laws will make homes considerably more expensive, and you're basically in an either hurry-up and buy mindset, or you must wait it out & hope for the best.

My situation currently is that my girlfriend and I have decided to buy a place, but have different perspectives on what & where to buy. I'd prefer an older, central Brno flat (appreciation is always highest in city centers).....something we can fix up in the years to come. She, of course, prefers a new construction home, which means outside the city (the only place where new=affordable around here). So, we've got quite the dilemma on our hands, with the good old appreciation clock ticking.

Since buying a home isn't something anyone should ever rush into, the best bet is probably to rent next year, and decide what and where we want to buy in 2009. Hopefully by then, we'll be on the same page, AND the Czech tax laws will correct themselves, especially if 2008 real estate activity stalls as I expect (due to overnight price inflation). Anyway, hopefully we figure things out in the months ahead.....I miss owning a home & there is almost no way to lose by investing in Czech Republic property (at least, for now - lol).

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